
Updates on projects :

YOU'CONOMY: Between 6 and 10 February we held a "Training in action on Ethical Finance" for young people in Barcelona. This course was attended by 20 participants from all over Europe and local people from Barcelona. Each day was dedicated to a specific topic related to Ethical Finance. In addition, we had very special guests from projects in the city of Barcelona. The next step will be to turn all this into an online course through the RIPESS Europe moodle.

HATI-SOS: We have finished all the soft-skills modules which will be available soon. They all contain activities and workshops to promote among other things facilitation in the assemblies/meetings of our organisations, active listening and (self-)care. The latter is the module that RIPESS Europe has created, which is aligned with our strategic orientation of putting care at the centre, and with the recent creation of the Feminist Care Commission.

YITEG: New E+ KA2 project approved. The kick-off will take place in Barcelona between 22nd and 25th March. Andrea and Juliette will participate. The main objective/output of this project is to create a game on Transformative Economies with young people. RIPESS has a key role in this project as it will have to provide a group of young people who will be "advisors" of the whole project and create an online course in moodle with all the materials. In general, this project will serve to reactivate the youth commission within RIPESS Europe.
The coordinator of this project is NEXES, a catalan organization with whom we've already collaborate for the FSMET.

par Andrea Rodriguez Valdes - 07:09 - 14 févr. 2023